Stocks for the Long Run Review

  • Book Title: Stocks for the Long Run
  • Author: Jeremy Siegel
  • Publication Date: October 1994


Stocks for the Long Run, written by Jeremy Siegel and first published in October 1994, is a seminal work that delves into the historical performance and long-term benefits of stock market investment. Siegel, a professor of finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of why stocks are a superior investment vehicle over the long run compared to other asset classes. This book is particularly relevant for finance professionals, including investment advisors, portfolio managers, and individual investors, as it offers a blend of historical data, economic analysis, and practical insights that can inform and enhance their investment strategies.

Content Summary

Key Concepts:

  • Historical Performance of Stocks: Siegel meticulously analyzes the performance of stocks over various time periods, demonstrating that stocks have consistently outperformed other asset classes, including bonds and real estate, over the long term.
  • Impact of Economic Events: The book explores how major economic events, such as recessions, wars, and financial crises, have influenced stock market performance. Siegel illustrates that despite short-term volatility, stocks tend to recover and provide substantial returns in the long run.
  • Long-Term Growth Trends: Siegel discusses the factors driving long-term growth in the stock market, including technological advancements, productivity improvements, and economic expansion.

Core Topics:

  • Historical Analysis of Stock Returns: The book provides an in-depth examination of stock returns from the early 19th century to the present, offering detailed statistical data and charts to support Siegel’s thesis that stocks are the best long-term investment.
  • Risk Assessment and Management: Siegel addresses the risks associated with stock investment, emphasizing the importance of a long-term perspective to mitigate the impact of short-term market fluctuations.
  • Portfolio Diversification: The book discusses strategies for diversifying a stock portfolio to reduce risk and enhance returns. Siegel highlights the benefits of including a mix of different sectors and international stocks.
  • Role of Dividends: Siegel underscores the significance of dividends in contributing to total returns. He explains how reinvested dividends can compound over time, significantly boosting the overall performance of a stock portfolio.
  • Inflation and Its Impact: The book examines the relationship between inflation and stock returns, showing that stocks have historically provided a hedge against inflation, preserving purchasing power over the long term.
  • Behavioral Finance Aspects: Siegel integrates insights from behavioral finance to explain common investor biases and mistakes. He offers advice on how to avoid these pitfalls and adopt a disciplined, long-term investment approach.

Critical Analysis


  • Comprehensive Historical Data: One of the primary strengths of Stocks for the Long Run is Siegel's extensive use of historical data to support his arguments. By analyzing stock market performance over more than two centuries, Siegel provides compelling evidence that stocks are the best-performing asset class over the long term. This historical perspective helps finance professionals understand the cyclical nature of markets and reinforces the importance of a long-term investment horizon.
  • Practical Insights: Siegel offers numerous practical insights that are highly valuable for both individual investors and professionals. His discussions on portfolio diversification, risk management, and the impact of dividends on total returns are particularly useful. These insights can help investors build more robust portfolios and make informed decisions that align with their long-term financial goals.
  • Analysis of Economic and Market Cycles: The book's detailed analysis of how major economic events and market cycles affect stock performance is another significant strength. Siegel's exploration of these events helps investors contextualize current market conditions within a historical framework, providing a deeper understanding of potential future trends.


  • Overemphasis on Historical Performance: While the historical data is compelling, there is a potential downside to relying heavily on past performance to predict future results. Critics may argue that Siegel’s analysis does not sufficiently account for unprecedented future events or shifts in the global economy that could alter stock market dynamics.
  • Complex Statistical Data: Some readers, especially novice investors, may find the statistical data and complex analysis daunting. While Siegel does an admirable job of explaining his findings, the depth of the data can be overwhelming without a solid background in finance or economics.
  • Bias Towards U.S. Markets: Another critique is the book's primary focus on U.S. stock market performance. While the U.S. has historically been a strong market, this bias might not fully represent the potential of global markets. Investors with a global perspective might find the book lacking in its discussion of non-U.S. stocks and international diversification.

Comparative Analysis:

  • Comparison with The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham: While The Intelligent Investor focuses on value investing principles and the concept of "margin of safety," Stocks for the Long Run emphasizes the superiority of stocks as a long-term investment. Siegel’s work is more data-driven, providing extensive historical analysis, whereas Graham's book offers more philosophical guidance on investment strategy.
  • Comparison with A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel: Malkiel's book popularizes the efficient market hypothesis and advocates for passive investing through index funds. Siegel, while acknowledging the benefits of passive investing, provides a broader historical context and supports the idea that informed stock selection can lead to superior long-term returns. Both books promote the idea of long-term investment but approach it from different angles.

Overall, Stocks for the Long Run stands out for its thorough historical analysis and practical advice, making it a valuable resource for finance professionals. Despite some weaknesses, the book's strengths, particularly its data-driven approach and insightful analysis, offer significant value to those seeking to understand and navigate the complexities of the stock market.

Notable Quotes

  1. "The best time to invest in the stock market is when you have money. This is because history shows that time, not timing, is the key to investment success."
    • This emphasizes the importance of a long-term perspective and consistency in investing rather than trying to time the market.
  2. "Over the long term, the stock market news will be good."
    • This quote reassures investors that despite short-term volatility, the long-term trend of the stock market is upward.
  3. "The principle of buying and holding good companies is more important than timing the market."
    • Siegel stresses the importance of identifying and investing in quality companies rather than attempting to predict market movements.
  4. "Fear has a greater grasp on human action than does the impressive weight of historical evidence."
    • This quote highlights the psychological challenges investors face, emphasizing that fear often overrides rational decision-making.
  5. "One of the ironies of the stock market is the emphasis on ‘earnings per share’ as the primary determinant of value."
    • Siegel points out that while earnings are important, they are not the sole factor in determining a stock's value.
  6. "Stocks have always outperformed bonds and other fixed-income investments."
    • This reinforces the long-term superiority of stocks as an investment compared to bonds and other fixed-income securities.
  7. "Investors must understand that the market is not efficient in the short run, but over the long run, it is hard to beat."
    • Siegel underscores the inefficiencies in the market in the short term but affirms the challenge of outperforming the market over the long term.
  8. "Diversification is the only free lunch in finance."
    • This quote advocates for spreading investments across various assets to minimize risk and maximize potential returns.

These quotes encapsulate key investment principles discussed in "Stocks for the Long Run," focusing on long-term investment strategies, the importance of holding quality stocks, and the psychological aspects of investing.


Stocks for the Long Run by Jeremy Siegel is a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the long-term benefits of stock market investment. By meticulously analyzing over two centuries of stock market performance, Siegel convincingly argues that stocks are the superior asset class for long-term investors. The book’s strengths lie in its extensive historical data, practical investment insights, and thorough analysis of economic and market cycles. These aspects make it an invaluable resource for finance professionals, including investment advisors, portfolio managers, and individual investors.

However, the book is not without its limitations. Its heavy reliance on historical performance may overlook future uncertainties, and the complex statistical data can be challenging for novice readers. Additionally, its primary focus on the U.S. market may not fully cater to investors with a global investment perspective.

Despite these weaknesses, Stocks for the Long Run offers a wealth of knowledge that is both practical and theoretically sound. The book’s emphasis on the importance of a long-term investment horizon, risk management, portfolio diversification, and the role of dividends provides readers with actionable strategies to enhance their investment portfolios.


I highly recommend Stocks for the Long Run to finance professionals and serious investors. Its data-driven approach and practical advice make it a must-read for those looking to deepen their understanding of stock market dynamics and refine their long-term investment strategies. Jeremy Siegel's work remains relevant and insightful, offering timeless principles that can help investors navigate the complexities of the stock market and achieve their financial goals.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, Stocks for the Long Run is a seminal work that continues to be highly regarded in the field of finance. Its blend of historical analysis and practical guidance makes it an essential addition to the library of any finance professional. While it is important to consider future uncertainties and maintain a global perspective, Siegel’s insights into long-term stock investment remain invaluable for achieving sustained financial success.

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