Concentrated Investing

  • Book Title: Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World's Greatest Concentrated Value Investors
  • Author(s): Allen C. Benello, Michael van Biema, and Tobias E. Carlisle
  • Publication Date: April 2016


Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World’s Greatest Concentrated Value Investors is a compelling exploration into the world of high-conviction value investing. Written by Allen C. Benello, Michael van Biema, and Tobias E. Carlisle, this book dives into the strategies employed by some of the most successful concentrated value investors. Published in April 2016, it offers finance professionals a deep dive into the practice of focused investing, which contrasts sharply with the widely promoted concept of diversification. The authors argue that holding fewer, carefully selected investments can lead to superior returns, providing a detailed examination of the methodologies and philosophies that guide these high-stakes decisions. For finance professionals seeking to understand the potential benefits and risks associated with concentrated investing, this book serves as a crucial resource.

Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World's Greatest Concentrated Value Investors
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Content Summary

Key Concepts:

  • Concentrated Value Investing: The book's central thesis is that a concentrated portfolio, composed of fewer but well-researched investments, can outperform a diversified one. This approach hinges on the belief that deep knowledge of a few investments yields better results than a superficial understanding of many.
  • Investment Philosophy: The authors delve into the personal philosophies of legendary investors, revealing how their unique perspectives and strategies contribute to their success. This includes understanding market inefficiencies, maintaining discipline, and focusing on long-term gains.
  • Risk Management: Despite the inherent risks of concentrated portfolios, the book outlines strategies these investors use to mitigate potential downsides. This includes thorough research, maintaining a margin of safety, and staying within one's circle of competence.

Core Topics:

  • Profiles of Legendary Investors: The book features detailed profiles of influential investors such as Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Lou Simpson, and others. Each profile explores their investment strategies, notable successes, and personal investment philosophies.
  • Investment Case Studies: The authors present various case studies that illustrate how these investors select and manage their investments. These case studies provide concrete examples of concentrated investing in action, highlighting both successes and challenges.
  • Theoretical Foundations: A significant portion of the book is dedicated to the theoretical underpinnings of concentrated investing. It contrasts this approach with traditional diversification strategies, explaining why concentrated portfolios might offer better returns under certain conditions.
  • Practical Application: The book also provides practical advice on how to apply concentrated investment strategies in today's market. This includes tips on identifying high-quality investments, conducting thorough research, and maintaining the discipline required for successful concentrated investing.

Concentrated Investing is both a theoretical and practical guide to high-conviction value investing. By examining the strategies and successes of some of the world's greatest investors, the book offers valuable insights for finance professionals looking to refine their investment strategies.

Critical Analysis


  • In-Depth Profiles: One of the book's major strengths is its detailed profiles of successful concentrated investors like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, and Lou Simpson. These profiles offer readers an intimate look into the thought processes and strategies that have led these investors to success. By presenting personal anecdotes and practical examples, the authors make complex investment strategies accessible and engaging.
  • Practical Insights: The book excels in providing practical insights that readers can apply to their own investment strategies. The authors break down the steps these investors take to identify, research, and commit to their high-conviction investments. This practical approach is valuable for finance professionals seeking to implement concentrated investing techniques in their portfolios.
  • Comprehensive Research: The extensive research and well-documented case studies enhance the credibility and depth of the book. Each case study is meticulously detailed, offering readers a thorough understanding of how concentrated investing works in real-world scenarios. The authors' commitment to rigorous research is evident throughout the book, adding to its value as a resource for serious investors.


  • Complexity: Some of the concepts and strategies discussed in the book may be complex and challenging for beginners to fully grasp. The book assumes a certain level of prior knowledge about investing and financial markets, which might make it less accessible to novice investors. This complexity could potentially deter those who are new to the field from fully appreciating the insights provided.
  • Risk Emphasis: While the book acknowledges the high-risk nature of concentrated investing, it may not emphasize these risks as strongly as it could. The focus is primarily on the benefits and successes of high-conviction investments, which might lead some readers to underestimate the potential downsides. A more balanced discussion of the risks involved could enhance the book's overall reliability and educational value.

Comparative Analysis:

  • The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham: Compared to Graham's seminal work, which advocates for diversification and a conservative approach to investing, Concentrated Investing takes a more aggressive stance. While Graham emphasizes the importance of protecting against losses through diversification, the authors of Concentrated Investing argue for the potential of higher returns through selective, high-conviction investments. Both books offer valuable insights but cater to different investment philosophies.
  • Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher: Fisher's work, like Concentrated Investing, emphasizes the importance of thorough research and selectivity. However, Fisher's approach is slightly broader, focusing on the qualitative aspects of companies to identify long-term growth opportunities. Concentrated Investing complements this by offering a more focused strategy, advocating for fewer, deeply researched investments. Both books highlight the significance of in-depth analysis but differ in their scope and application.

Notable Quotes from Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World’s Greatest Concentrated Value Investors


  1. On Concentrated Value Investing:
    • “Concentration, not diversification, proves to be the key to outstanding performance. By focusing on a few select investments, an investor can deeply understand the intricacies and potential of each, leading to better-informed decisions.”
  2. On Warren Buffett’s Investment Philosophy:
    • “Warren Buffett once said, ‘Diversification is protection against ignorance. It makes little sense if you know what you are doing.’ This philosophy underscores his belief in the power of concentrated investments.”
  3. On Risk Management:
    • “The key to successful concentrated investing lies in the meticulous management of risk. This involves not just picking the right stocks but also understanding the businesses thoroughly and maintaining a margin of safety.”
  4. On Lou Simpson’s Strategy:
    • “Lou Simpson’s approach to investing revolves around the idea that ‘A few great investments are better than a thousand mediocre ones.’ His track record at GEICO attests to the success of this concentrated strategy.”
  5. On the Importance of Research:
    • “Thorough research and a deep understanding of each investment are critical. As the authors state, ‘A concentrated investor must be willing to invest the time and effort to truly know their investments inside and out.’”
  6. On the Long-Term Perspective:
    • “Charlie Munger emphasizes the importance of patience and a long-term perspective, noting that ‘The big money is not in the buying and selling, but in the waiting.’ This principle is a cornerstone of concentrated value investing.”
  7. On Avoiding Over-Diversification:
    • “Over-diversification can dilute the potential returns of a portfolio. The book argues that ‘By spreading investments too thin, an investor might miss out on the significant gains that come from a few high-conviction bets.’”
  8. On Identifying High-Quality Investments:
    • “The essence of concentrated investing is in identifying and committing to high-quality investments. ‘It is better to have a few investments that you understand deeply and trust implicitly than a wide array of superficial picks.’”

These quotes highlight the central themes and insights of Concentrated Investing, offering readers a glimpse into the profound wisdom and practical strategies that characterize the approach of high-conviction value investors.



Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World’s Greatest Concentrated Value Investors provides a unique perspective on value investing by focusing on the strategies of investors who favor concentration over diversification. The book’s comprehensive profiles of legendary investors, detailed case studies, and deep dives into the theoretical foundations of concentrated investing offer invaluable insights. By presenting both the potential rewards and the inherent risks of concentrated portfolios, the authors deliver a balanced and informative resource.


I highly recommend this book to finance professionals, investment advisors, and serious individual investors who are looking to deepen their understanding of concentrated value investing. The practical insights, combined with the rich profiles and detailed analyses, make it a valuable resource for those willing to explore the potential of a more focused investment strategy. It’s particularly beneficial for those who have a solid foundation in investment principles and are ready to delve into more advanced strategies.

Final Thoughts:

While the book’s emphasis on concentrated portfolios may seem risky, the successes of the investors profiled suggest that with thorough research and disciplined strategies, concentrated investing can lead to substantial rewards. The book challenges conventional wisdom about diversification and offers a fresh perspective on achieving superior returns through high-conviction investments. It’s a thought-provoking read that encourages finance professionals to reconsider traditional investment approaches and explore the potential of a more focused, deeply researched investment strategy.


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