Quality of Earnings

  • Book Title: Quality of Earnings
  • Author(s): Thornton L. O'glove
  • Publication Date: Originally published in 1987


"Quality of Earnings," written by Thornton L. O'glove and published in October 1987, is a seminal work in the field of financial statement analysis. The book's primary focus is on evaluating the quality of reported earnings, which is crucial for making informed investment decisions. O'glove provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the reliability of earnings figures presented by companies, emphasizing the importance of looking beyond surface-level numbers to uncover the true economic reality.

For finance professionals, this book is particularly relevant. Analysts, investors, and auditors can benefit from O'glove's insights into detecting accounting manipulations and assessing the sustainability of earnings. By enhancing their ability to critically evaluate financial statements, readers can make better investment choices and avoid potential pitfalls associated with misleading earnings reports.

Quality of Earnings
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Content Summary

Key Concepts:

  • Quality of Earnings: O'glove explains the concept of "quality of earnings," stressing its importance in determining the true financial health of a company. High-quality earnings accurately reflect a company's genuine economic performance, while low-quality earnings may be distorted by accounting tricks.
  • Reported Earnings vs. Economic Reality: The book underscores the difference between reported earnings, which are subject to accounting practices, and the actual economic performance of a business.

Core Topics:

  1. Techniques for Analyzing Earnings Quality:
    • O'glove provides detailed methods for evaluating the quality of earnings. This includes analyzing revenue recognition policies, expense matching, and the treatment of non-recurring items.
  2. Common Accounting Manipulations:
    • The book delves into various accounting manipulations that companies might use to inflate their earnings. Techniques such as aggressive revenue recognition, underestimating expenses, and creative use of reserves are thoroughly examined.
  3. Case Studies and Real-World Examples:
    • O'glove enhances the practical value of his book by including numerous case studies and real-world examples. These illustrate how companies have historically manipulated their earnings and the consequences of such actions.
  4. Importance of Cash Flow Analysis:
    • The author emphasizes the critical role of cash flow analysis in assessing earnings quality. Cash flows provide a clearer picture of a company's financial health, as they are less susceptible to manipulation compared to earnings.
  5. Red Flags and Warning Signs:
    • The book lists various red flags and warning signs that indicate potential earnings manipulation. These include unusual changes in accounting policies, discrepancies between earnings and cash flows, and significant one-time items.

By providing a thorough overview of these topics, "Quality of Earnings" equips finance professionals with the tools needed to scrutinize financial statements and make more informed decisions based on the true quality of earnings.

Critical Analysis


  1. Practical Guidance on Identifying Accounting Irregularities:
    • O'glove's "Quality of Earnings" offers valuable, hands-on advice for detecting accounting irregularities. The book is replete with practical techniques that finance professionals can apply directly to their work. This makes it an indispensable resource for those looking to improve their financial statement analysis skills.
  2. Use of Real-World Examples:
    • The inclusion of numerous real-world examples and case studies is one of the book's major strengths. These examples help to illustrate complex concepts in a relatable and understandable manner. By showcasing actual instances of earnings manipulation, O'glove effectively demonstrates the application of his techniques in real scenarios.
  3. Comprehensive Coverage:
    • The book covers a wide range of topics related to earnings quality, from the fundamentals of financial statement analysis to specific accounting tricks companies use. This comprehensive approach ensures that readers gain a holistic understanding of the subject.


  1. Potentially Outdated Techniques:
    • Since its publication in 1987, there have been significant changes in accounting standards and regulations. Some of the techniques and examples provided by O'glove might be considered outdated in the context of current financial reporting practices. Readers need to supplement the book's insights with knowledge of modern accounting standards.
  2. Focus on U.S. Companies:
    • The book primarily focuses on U.S. companies and accounting practices, which might limit its applicability to international financial statements. Global finance professionals may need to adapt O'glove's techniques to suit the accounting standards and practices prevalent in their regions.

Comparative Analysis:

  • Compared to "Financial Shenanigans" by Howard Schilit:
    • While both books address the detection of accounting manipulations, "Quality of Earnings" offers a deeper dive into the analysis of earnings quality specifically. O'glove's work is more focused on the nuances of earnings quality, whereas Schilit provides a broader overview of various financial shenanigans. Finance professionals seeking a detailed examination of earnings will find O'glove's book more beneficial.
  • Compared to "Financial Statement Analysis" by Martin Fridson and Fernando Alvarez:
    • Fridson and Alvarez provide a comprehensive guide to financial statement analysis, covering a wide array of topics. In contrast, O'glove's "Quality of Earnings" is more specialized, offering detailed insights into the specific area of earnings quality. For those looking to focus on this aspect, O'glove's book provides more targeted guidance.

Notable Quotes from "Quality of Earnings" by Thornton L. O'glove


  1. On the Importance of Earnings Quality:
    • "The quality of a company's earnings can provide a more accurate picture of its financial health than the mere numbers reported in its earnings statement."
  2. On Identifying Accounting Manipulations:
    • "Astute investors should always be on the lookout for signs of accounting gimmicks that artificially inflate earnings. Recognizing these manipulations is key to making informed investment decisions."
  3. On the Role of Cash Flows:
    • "Cash flow analysis offers a clearer, more reliable measure of a company's financial performance, as cash flows are harder to manipulate than reported earnings."
  4. On the Need for Vigilance:
    • "Investors must maintain a healthy skepticism when reviewing financial statements, always questioning the veracity of the numbers presented and seeking to understand the underlying economic reality."
  5. On the Margin of Safety:
    • "A true measure of earnings quality includes a margin of safety that accounts for the potential inaccuracies and uncertainties inherent in financial reporting."

These quotes highlight the central themes and insights of O'glove's work, emphasizing the critical importance of earnings quality, the dangers of accounting manipulations, and the necessity of thorough financial analysis for informed investment decisions.

Character Analysis in "Quality of Earnings"

Unlike traditional novels where characters are people, "Quality of Earnings" by Thornton L. O'glove examines the 'characters' of corporations through the lens of their financial statements. This unique approach to character analysis offers insights into the integrity and operational realities of businesses, depicted through case studies and examples that serve as the core of O'glove's narrative. Here's a breakdown of how these corporate 'characters' are portrayed:

Case Study Characters

O'glove uses various case studies throughout the book to highlight companies that have either exemplified good practices or fallen prey to the pitfalls of poor earnings quality. Each case serves as a 'character' study, providing narratives that help readers understand the consequences of financial decisions and reporting practices.

For example, O'glove discusses certain companies known for their aggressive earnings management practices. These companies, which he anonymizes or references through public data, demonstrate traits of deception and short-termism. In contrast, he also profiles companies that adhere to high standards of financial transparency, showing their long-term success and stability.

Analyzing Corporate Behavior

Each corporate case study is analyzed much like a character in a story, with motivations, actions, and consequences thoroughly examined. O'glove dissects the financial maneuvers companies use, such as smoothing earnings, capitalizing what should be expensed, or using off-balance sheet financing. These actions tell a story about each company's ethical compass and strategic priorities.

Executives as Characters

While the primary focus is on corporate behavior, executives also emerge as critical characters in these narratives. O'glove scrutinizes the role of leadership in shaping a company's financial ethics. He assesses how CEOs, CFOs, and other senior managers contribute to the culture of earnings quality, for better or worse. Their leadership style, commitment to ethical practices, and response to financial pressures play significant roles in the stories of these companies.

Lessons from Characters

Each character analysis concludes with lessons for investors and analysts. By understanding the traits of these corporate and executive characters, readers learn to spot red flags in real-world scenarios. O'glove equips his audience with the tools to assess not just the numbers, but what lies behind them—the corporate character.


Summary: "Quality of Earnings" by Thornton L. O'glove is an essential read for finance professionals interested in improving their financial statement analysis skills. The book's detailed examination of earnings quality, practical guidance on identifying accounting manipulations, and use of real-world examples provide invaluable insights. Despite being published in 1987, its core principles and methods remain highly relevant, although readers should be aware of the need to supplement its insights with updates on modern accounting standards.

Recommendation: I highly recommend "Quality of Earnings" to analysts, investors, and auditors. The book offers practical, actionable advice that can significantly enhance one's ability to evaluate the true financial health of a company. Whether you're a novice or an experienced professional, O'glove's insights will help you avoid the pitfalls of misleading earnings reports and make more informed investment decisions.

Final Thoughts: "Quality of Earnings" has made a lasting impact on the field of financial analysis by stressing the importance of looking beyond surface-level earnings figures to understand a company's real economic performance. This book's emphasis on vigilance and thoroughness in financial analysis continues to be pertinent in today's complex financial environment. To maximize the utility of O'glove's work, finance professionals should stay updated on current accounting practices and standards.


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