The Little Book that builds Wealth

  • Book Title: The Little Book That Builds Wealth
  • Author: Pat Dorsey
  • Publication Date: February 2008


"The Little Book That Builds Wealth" by Pat Dorsey is a comprehensive guide to understanding and identifying companies with sustainable competitive advantages, commonly referred to as economic moats. Published in February 2008, this book distills complex investment principles into a digestible format, making it accessible for both novice and experienced finance professionals. Dorsey, known for his work at Morningstar, uses his expertise to elucidate how investors can pinpoint firms that are well-positioned to maintain profitability over the long term. This book is particularly relevant for finance professionals focused on value investing and long-term portfolio management, as it provides practical tools and real-world examples to identify enduringly profitable companies.

The Little Book That Builds Wealth: The Knockout Formula for Finding Great Investments (Little Books. Big Profits 12)
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Content Summary

Key Concepts

  1. Economic Moats: Central to Dorsey’s thesis is the concept of economic moats—durable competitive advantages that allow companies to fend off competitors and sustain long-term profitability. Dorsey categorizes these moats into four primary types: cost advantages, network effects, intangible assets, and high switching costs.
  2. Competitive Advantages: The book delves into various competitive advantages that underpin these moats, providing a framework for investors to identify companies that can outperform their peers.
  3. Sustainable Business Practices: Dorsey emphasizes the importance of sustainability in competitive advantages, discussing how companies can maintain their moats over time through strategic reinvestment and innovation.

Core Topics

  1. Types of Economic Moats:
    • Cost Advantages: Companies that can produce goods or services at a lower cost than competitors create a significant barrier to entry. This section explores how economies of scale and efficient processes contribute to cost advantages.
    • Network Effects: Dorsey explains how businesses that benefit from network effects—where the value of a product or service increases as more people use it—can create a formidable moat. Examples include social media platforms and payment networks.
    • Intangible Assets: Brands, patents, and regulatory licenses are intangible assets that can protect a company’s market position. The book discusses how these assets contribute to a company's competitive edge.
    • High Switching Costs: Companies that can lock in customers by making it costly or inconvenient to switch to a competitor enjoy high switching costs. Dorsey provides examples from the software industry and other sectors where customer retention is key.
  2. Identifying Companies with Durable Competitive Advantages:
    • Analyzing Financial Statements: Dorsey outlines the key financial metrics and ratios that can indicate the presence of a moat, such as high return on invested capital (ROIC) and stable profit margins.
    • Assessing Industry Conditions: The book covers how to evaluate industry dynamics, including the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of suppliers and customers, and the intensity of competitive rivalry.
    • Evaluating Management Quality: A company's leadership plays a crucial role in maintaining and strengthening its moat. Dorsey provides criteria for assessing management effectiveness and alignment with shareholder interests.
  3. Real-World Examples and Case Studies:
    • Dorsey uses numerous real-world examples to illustrate his points, including well-known companies like Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and Southwest Airlines. These case studies demonstrate how different types of moats operate in various industries and provide practical insights into how investors can apply these principles in their analyses.

This content summary outlines the fundamental concepts and topics covered in "The Little Book That Builds Wealth," setting the stage for a deeper critical analysis of its strengths and weaknesses in the subsequent sections.

Critical Analysis


  1. Clear Explanations of Complex Concepts: Pat Dorsey excels in breaking down intricate investment theories into simple, understandable terms. The concept of economic moats, which can often seem abstract, is explained with clarity and precision. Dorsey uses straightforward language and relatable analogies to ensure readers grasp the fundamental ideas, making the book accessible to a wide audience.
  2. Practical Framework for Evaluating Companies: One of the book’s standout strengths is its practical approach. Dorsey not only defines what economic moats are but also provides a detailed framework for identifying and analyzing these moats in real companies. This actionable guidance is invaluable for finance professionals seeking to apply these principles in their investment strategies.
  3. Real-Life Examples to Illustrate Points: The inclusion of numerous real-world examples and case studies significantly enhances the book's practicality. By examining well-known companies like Coca-Cola and Microsoft, Dorsey demonstrates how theoretical concepts play out in actual business scenarios. These examples make the abstract idea of economic moats tangible and relatable.


  1. Potential Oversimplification of Some Concepts: While the book’s simplicity is one of its strengths, it can also be a drawback. In striving to make complex ideas accessible, Dorsey sometimes oversimplifies nuanced concepts. For readers with advanced finance backgrounds, this can feel reductive and may not provide the depth of analysis they seek.
  2. Lack of Depth in Certain Areas: Although Dorsey covers a broad range of topics related to economic moats, some areas lack depth. For instance, the discussion on financial statement analysis and industry conditions could benefit from more detailed exploration. This limitation might leave readers wanting more comprehensive guidance in these critical areas.
  3. Limited Focus on Global Markets: The book predominantly focuses on U.S. companies, with limited discussion on how economic moats apply in global markets. This narrow focus may reduce its applicability for investors interested in international equities. A more global perspective would enhance the book’s relevance and utility for a broader audience.

Comparative Analysis

Compared to other seminal works in finance, such as Michael Porter’s "Competitive Strategy," Dorsey’s book is more accessible and user-friendly. Porter's work, while foundational, can be dense and theoretical, making it less approachable for some readers. In contrast, "The Little Book That Builds Wealth" strikes a balance between theory and practical application, making it more suitable for a general audience. However, for those seeking a deeper, more rigorous analysis, Porter's book remains the gold standard.

In conclusion, "The Little Book That Builds Wealth" is a valuable resource for finance professionals looking to understand and identify economic moats. Its clear explanations, practical framework, and illustrative examples make it an excellent starting point for those new to the concept. However, its potential oversimplification and limited global focus suggest that it should be complemented with more in-depth resources for a comprehensive understanding of competitive advantages in investing.

Notable Quotes

  1. On Economic Moats:
    • "An economic moat is what sets a company apart from its competitors and allows it to earn high returns on capital for many years."
  2. On Competitive Advantages:
    • "A competitive advantage is anything that a company does better than its rivals that is not easily replicable."
  3. On Cost Advantages:
    • "Companies with a cost advantage can undercut competitors on price and still make money, making it hard for others to compete."
  4. On Network Effects:
    • "Network effects occur when the value of a product or service increases as more people use it, creating a virtuous cycle that strengthens the company’s moat."
  5. On Intangible Assets:
    • "Intangible assets like brands, patents, and regulatory licenses can protect a company from competition and help sustain high returns on invested capital."
  6. On High Switching Costs:
    • "High switching costs create customer stickiness, making it costly or inconvenient for customers to switch to a competitor, thereby securing a company's market position."
  7. On Identifying Moats:
    • "To find companies with economic moats, look for consistent earnings growth, high returns on capital, and evidence of durable competitive advantages."
  8. On Assessing Management Quality:
    • "Good management teams allocate capital efficiently, reinvest in the business wisely, and align their interests with those of shareholders."
  9. On Investment Strategies:
    • Investing in companies with strong economic moats can provide a margin of safety, reducing the risk of permanent capital loss.
  10. On Real-World Examples:
    • "Examining successful companies like Coca-Cola and Microsoft reveals how different types of economic moats can help businesses maintain their competitive edge over time."

These quotes capture key insights from "The Little Book That Builds Wealth," highlighting the practical and theoretical aspects of identifying and investing in companies with sustainable competitive advantages. They can be shared on social media or used to underscore the book’s valuable contributions to the field of finance.


Overall, "The Little Book That Builds Wealth" by Pat Dorsey is an insightful and practical guide for finance professionals and investors aiming to understand and identify companies with sustainable competitive advantages. The book’s clear explanations of complex concepts, practical evaluation framework, and real-world examples make it an invaluable resource for those interested in long-term investment strategies.

Despite its potential oversimplification of some topics and a limited focus on global markets, the book excels in making the theory of economic moats accessible and actionable. Its strengths lie in its ability to distill intricate financial principles into straightforward, usable advice, and its illustrative case studies that bring these concepts to life.

For finance professionals seeking to enhance their investment strategies, "The Little Book That Builds Wealth" is highly recommended. It provides foundational knowledge that can be built upon with more detailed and advanced resources. Whether you are a novice investor looking to grasp the basics or an experienced professional refining your approach, this book offers valuable insights into identifying and capitalizing on economic moats.


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